
In order to meet its clients’ expectations, PLEXUS implements quality and continuous improvement plans for all products and processes, as evidenced by the certificates awarded in different areas: Quality, environment, administrative procurement, staff training, interoperability with healthcare systems and work-life balance, among others.

Plexus Tech calidad y medio ambiente


PLEXUS is certified in accordance with the following standards: UNE EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE EN ISO 14064:1:2012, UNE EN ISO 14001:2015, UNE EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013, UNE EN ISO 33000 (Level 3), UNE EN ISO 20000, UNE EN ISO 45001:2018

The quality and environmental certificates obtained by PLEXUS include, among other aspects:

  • Supply of IT and Telecommunications Equipment
  • Design and Installation of Computer Equipment
  • Design and Installation of Telecommunications Systems
  • Design and Installation of Security Systems
  • Design and Development of Software Applications
  • Hardware and Software Maintenance
  • Occupational Risk Prevention

Administrative Procurement

The certificate of the Advisory Board for Administrative Procurement accredits PLEXUS as a:

  • Consulting and service company in group V, subgroups and categories 02-D; 03-D; 05-D
  • Construction company in group I, subgroups and categories 07-D; 08-E; 09-E

The certificate of the Centralised Procurement Board of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations accredits PLEXUS under Framework Agreement AM 26/2015 for the provision of:

  • eGovernment systems development services
Plexus Tech contratación administrativa
Sistemas sanitarios

Sanitation Systems

Plexus Tech's commitment to healthcare applies to the entire company, both in its own products and in partnerships.

In addition to HL7 and CDA, Clinical Document Architecture, PLEXUS has the ITK Certificate, Interoperability Toolkit Certificate, from the NHS, the UK National Health Service.


The Ministry of Education has awarded PLEXUS the quality seal Sello Escuela 2.0, which recognises the company's commitment to the development and improvement of the quality of education through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

PLEXUS achieved this distinction both for the company itself and for two of its technological products aimed at the educational field: the Educ@r laptop charging cabinet and the Edu Wifi network.

Plexus tech educación
certificaciones profesionales plexus

Professional Certificates

Plexus Tech is certified by the Project Management Institute, Scrum and Prince2. In all three cases, these certificates cover the field of project management and methodology.

Work-life balance

PLEXUS is certified as a Family-Responsible Company, a certificate issued by the MásFamilia Foundation and endorsed by the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality.

The seal recognises those organisations involved in the generation of a new work culture that permits an effective harmony between work, the family and the personal sphere, as demanded by society.

Plexus Tech conciliación