ACCORDION H2020 video description

The transitioning to the Accordion Platform will support Plexus´ business case to
provide personalized content by integrating two key products incorporating edge
computing to ensure lower latency and higher performance on average network
Plexus develops a platform that will allow device information processing on the edge,
reducing latency and allowing advanced calculations to be performed in the cloud.
Based on the results of this calculations, adapted content will be streamed to the
different screens of the Network.
In the following diagram, examples are provided from the start of the edge service and
the request of the Anblick endpoint. These scenarios have been run in this first cycle,
herefore the edge device and the Anblick client are deployed within the Accordion
The local system consists of a Raspberry Pi or cluster of Raspberry Pi´s wich performs
the functions of an edge device and allow for local processing wich reduces latency.
Anblick is run in a public Cloud, and is responsible for broadcasting of the right
content to the connected TV screens. The starting situation is a default content wich
is independent of the characteristics of the users withing a venue. When a user enters
a venue and activates the wi-fi function and gets within the range of the Raspberry Pi,
the probe requests of his or her device can be detected. The Wi-Fi antenna connected
to the edge receives the probe request. The probe request data is not stored on the
edge. The edge processes the information. Herefore, the MAC is anonymized and
coordinates of the devices are calculated based to the Wi-Fi antenna, based on
various parameters like number of users within range, average time in range or
number of new visitors, a content decision is made on the edge. The tag is Shared with
the cloud. For this first cycle the focus is to adapt content based on the processing on
the edge.
Finally, the user can see adapted content on the TV screens within the venue, allowing
for more effective digital signage