
We promote brands using cross-cutting digital services that make an impact

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Cross-cutting digital solutions, to innovate and connect. We start from the trends, we measure the results.

In the Digital Marketing department we work to offer and develop a complete, innovative online strategy for every type of business, using the most appropriate channels to reach the target audience and measuring the actions in real time to achieve the best results.


Trend analysis as the starting point for the development of an innovation strategy.

The competitiveness of companies depends on their capacity to innovate, conceptualise and communicate, based on evolving market trends.



In-depth strategic analysis of the best practices of companies in the same segment or sector.


Investigación de tendencias a partir de la captación de señales de lo que vendrá cuando todavía empiezan a vislumbrarse, para ayudar a las empresas y a los profesionales a adaptarse a las mismas y poder así  ser más competitivos y poder innovar en el mercado.


Search engine optimisation strategies, both organic and paid, to improve the visibility of a website and increase the qualified traffic.

SEO: Organic positioning

  • SEO Audit
  • SEO consultancy for the development of new websites
  • Local SEO
  • International SEO
  • Link management

SEM: Paid positioning

  • Comprehensive Google Ads management:
    • Search network
    • Display
    • Discovery
    • Youtube
  • Remarketing
  • Programmed


Creation and optimisation of content on social media to publicise our products and/or services and create engagement with our followers. The different social media are already positioned as key channels for positioning ourselves in the minds of our target audience and it is important to offer them quality content, whether organic or paid.

SMO: Social Media Optimisation

  • Strategy and content plan for different social media
  • Community Management
  • Management of the brand’s presence on social media

SMM: Social Media Marketing (Paid)

Strategy for and management of:

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Tiktok Ads


Sending out regular, targeted e-mails to a database of recipients to better understand their interests, convert them into customers, increase recurrence and, in short, develop the trust they have in our products or services.


  • Lead generation strategy
  • Segmentation


  • Inbound content
  • News and updates
  • Corporate content
  • Promotions and offers
  • Upselling/ Cross-selling


  • Welcome after registration
  • Transactional emails (thank you for your purchase, abandoned carts)
  • Important dates (birthdays, anniversary of purchase)
  • Recovery: email marketing strategy to recover leads that have not interacted with us for some time.


User-centred design through research and use of real data to produce designs that meet user needs and the customer’s objectives.

Our methodology is multi-directional and cyclical, changing from one stage to another depending on the results and validations we obtain throughout the process.


  • Heuristic analysis
  • Benchmarking and trend analysis
  • Surveys and interviews


  • User Personas
  • User Journeys
  • Information architecture
  • Wireframes
  • Testing


  • Final mockup
  • Moodboard
  • Design Kit
  • Prototype and User flow


Web accessibility is a way of designing websites, tools and technologies so that everyone, including people with disabilities, can use them as easily as possible.


  • Web Accessibility
  • Web accessibility audit
  • Accessibility consultancy for the development of new websites
  • Web accessibility optimisation


In Spain we must comply with Royal Decree 1112/2018 on the accessibility of public sector websites and mobile device applications and European Directive 2016/2102, which establishes that as of 2025, non-accessible products cannot be introduced onto the European market.


It is just as important to have a strategy and develop its different actions as it is to measure the results they are giving us, in order to know which ones we need to optimise and which ones work best for each product or service, as well as for each type of user. Configuration of measurement tools.


  • Web analytics
  • Web analytics audit
  • Analytics consultancy for the development of new websites
  • Web analytics optimisation
  • SEM, SEO, SMM analytics
  • Reporting of results and analysis