Knowing about the experience is essential for improving the quality of the services provided

Satisfaction surveys are a basic tool in all quality processes and continuous improvement cycles because they allow us to find out people’s degree of satisfaction with our services or products.

At Plexus Tech we have a survey module aimed at service users that can be used as a complement to the Quenda Cloud system dashboard to measure the quality of the service received and the degree of public satisfaction with the service.

E-Valúa user feedback device

Simple, practical and systematic

Optimise the customer experience. Identifies areas for improvement. Diagnose critical points.

e-Valúa is an integrated platform for assessing customer satisfaction, for example:

  • Quality of the facility
  • Attention received
  • Waiting times

The efficiency of this module is due to the fact that it permits the gathering of information and assessments regarding the services in a simple, practical and systematic way, directly from the people involved in the customer care process.

This facilitates the identification of points requiring improvement that can be implemented during the customer care process. It also provides an opportunity for learning about the strengths and weaknesses of the services and the customer care provided.

An integrable and agile solution

Being able to interact in an agile way is essential for building trust among respondents. E-valúa enables this agility through integration with devices and direct interaction tools, such as tablets, video call systems, SMS, email, etc.

Interaction with service users is done through a survey that is launched immediately and has different response modes:

  • Answer Yes/No.
  • Rating (stars or similar).
  • Selection from several possible options.
  • Text input.

Can be integrated with Quenda

e-valua intregrable con quenda

Can be integrated with Anblick®.

for displaying graphs

Multi-channel surveys for data collection

Un cuadro de mandos basado en BI